Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry Christmas

Well, it's that time of year again for my annual blog posting. A lot has changed since my last entry. The company that I worked for has been sold to the Germans. Insider information tells me that they purchased the company just for the patents. They plan to run it into the ground after about 12 months the ship everything over seas.

I've since moved on. I now have a wonderful job with a company that's not going anywhere anytime soon. I work two doors down from the CEO who discovers something new about me that he likes every week.

Changing the subject, I have a question to the one or two of you who will find this blog. Here's the story. I have full custody of my now 11yr old daughter. Her biological mother lost full custody mainly because she cannot accept her day to day responsibilities. As I was waiting to receive my little one from her mother, I got a call letting me know that she will be running late, as usual. This time it was legitimate. They were stuck on the interstate with a flat tire. Knowing that it would take several more hours till I would be able have my little one safe in my arms, I decided to take a drive to pick her up myself from the site of the tire failure.

As I approached the crippled vehicle, I was struck with the question of whether or not I should change the tire for her or not do anything and allow her current husband to have the honors. It is in my nature to always help her, mainly because she is the mother of my child. The pause was due to the fact that her current husband has repeatedly failed to provide for her what you would think are the basic needs of a woman, much less a wife. Helping her out, or more like "them" out, would be the expectation. Whenever she is in trouble I'm always quick to respond, again because she is the mother of my child. Do the vows that I made many years ago expire upon divorce? Where is the line? What do I teach my daughter about vows, responsibility, the ever depreciating value of "my word"?

The question is, "What should I do?" Change the tire or not? Her husband was on his way. She was in no obvious danger other than being stranded on the interstate, which in itself is dangerous to some degree.

Is this any of my business? Would he be mad at my gesture and create more stress in the life of my little one? (He's always been jealous of me.) Would he be grateful that he didn't have to stop the current episode of The Simpsons to venture on a 30 minute trek to rescue his wife in despair? Remember, it is Christmas time and last year I gave the ex back two months worth of child support without expecting (nor receiving) a small note of thanks.

I will tell you my decision at the next posting......

God bless you all, remember this season the gift that we all received 2,000 years ago, and
Happy birthday, Ashely. Daddy loves you.

Monday, October 23, 2006

One Whole Year?!?!

Well, it's been a little more than a year since my last entry. I've been very busy over the last few months. I have succeeded in leaving the tyrannical employer that controlled my every move for the past 5 years. I am now employed where I can better use my education, talents, experience and time, which is for a manufacturer of center console boats. As far as my domestic life, you are welcome to visit for a better grasp of who I have become since birth. I have no explanation for why I haven't posted any pictures other than it is not a priority for me as of yet. It is a desire, but not at the top of my list of things to do in the near future. This could change at any moment. I hope you all have a good Halloween. Live long and prosper.
Well, it's been a little more than a year since my last entry. I've been very busy over the last few months. I have succeeded in leaving the tyrannical employer that controlled my every move for the past 5 years. I am now employed where I can better use my education, talents, experience and time, which is for a manufacturer of center console boats. As far as my domestic life, you are welcome to visit for a better grasp of who I have become since birth. I have no explanation for why I haven't posted any pictures other than it is not a priority for me as of yet. It is a desire, but not at the top of my list of things to do in the near future. This could change at any moment. I hope you all have a good Halloween. Live long and prosper.

Monday, September 12, 2005

My Apologies

I want to apologize for my lack of communication. I've been spending my summer with the Wooly Haired Malaysians of Papua New Guina. (They think "blogging" is making mud pies with chicken's blood.)

Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day

This Memorial Day I've seen ups and downs. (I'm sort of in a blah mood today.) My ex-wife, affectionately known as Damnyell decided not to let Madison, my 8 year old, go to Chicago with Ashely, my 10 year old. The look on Madi's face when her mother crushed what she's been planning for over a year was enough to choke a Vogon. I had to quickly arrange for an alternate "fun week away" for Madi with my parents.

I was able to travel back home to see mom and dad on Saturday. Madison and I played with the water guns around the house for over and hour. Loads of fun. I then ran one mile to meet Toris at the new high school track. We walked around the track for 2 miles and then I ran back home. Madison rode her bike behind me the whole time. It was good to spend the quality time with her before I head down to Jamaica.

We saw StarWars III this weekend. It was great! I still have a problem with Hayden Christensen. What a whiner! If I had a son that acted like that whenever I told him he couldn't drive the family car for a Friday night date he would get Jap Slapped! (No racial pun intended.) Where did "Jap Slap" come from anyway? Who was the first to receive this infamous spanking and why?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo! I have decided to celebrate Cinco de Mayo this year by doing absolutely everything that I did during Uno de Mayo. I will just be doing it with about five times the intensity.

One thing that I won't do today is listen to They must be having technical problems. I have no choice but to log onto old faithful Live365.

Did you know that Alice Cooper is a Christian?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

A New Month

May comes with many expectations. There is Cinco de Mayo for the Mexicans, Mother's Day for the mothers, Armed Forces for those who are loyal to the Union and Memorial Day for those loyal to the Confederacy. Don't forget Victoria Day. An opportunity for Canadians to parade in women's undergarments. (This should remain a secret in my opinion.)

Switching gears.... I will be traveling out of the country June 5 and will return by June 13, if the Lord willin' and the creek don't rise. Between my wife and I there will be many digital pictures taken to document our experiences. When I get the time I will post most of these for your viewing pleasure. (No, I will not post porn.)

Seacrest out.